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[personal BGM] Brett Anderson - Diffrent Place (Clip,Lyrics)

by 비오는날비맞기 2015. 3. 19.

[personal BGM]

Brett Anderson - Diffrent Place



살아있다는 것

다른 이를 사랑하는 것은 신의 얼굴을 바라보는 것이라 했다

사랑하는 이로 하여금 언제나 충분한 그 깊이를 느끼게 된다

그리고 사랑은 늘 내 등어리를 어루만져준다

그 사랑으로 인해 빛을 통과한다

오롯이 그 빛 가운데로 걸을 수 있을 때

삶은 그 자체로 충만하다






Differnt place Lyrics 브랫앤더슨, 가사 l

We sat under London skies on
A perfect June day.
I touched her hand
And whispered our names.
And all of the birds flew by and
The clouds blow away
The rose oil in her hair
And her infinite craze.
These are the thoughts
That take me
To a different place.
There are the words
That take me
To a different place.
And I gave her
A rose from my garden
And the petals
Blow away.
They look like confetti On her
Beautiful face.
These are the thoughts
That take me
To a different place.
There are the words
That take me
To a different place.
These are the thoughts
That take me
To a different place.
There are the words
That take me
To a different place







